Swim with sperm whales

This snorkeling trip will be one of the best in-water experiences of your life.

Sperm whale tours in dominica!

We are a USA based travel agency that  exclusively works with the best local company in Dominica for Sperm Whale Snorkels & Swimming.

With 6 guests per a group, we provide small, intimate close up encounters with Sperm Whales. We also welcome group bookings for private tours, and films crews.

(Please note that swimming with whales is illegal in the United States as stated in federal law, including Hawaii)

This website is dedicated to educating potential and current clients about the sperm whale experiences in Dominica. We focus on small groups; we work with experienced skippers and guides. Swimming with whales is an art, and your crew can make or break your trip!


Dominica, is a small island is located between Guadeloupe and Martinique, not to be confused with the Dominican Republic. Dominica is it’s own Country, and is apart of the Commonwealth.

With volcanoes, waterfalls, rainforests, hundreds of rivers, and endemic flora and fauna, it’s no surprise that this 300 square mile island has earned the name “Nature Island”.

Dominica has over 200 residential sperm whales! Our tours operate from November through to the end of June.  We do not operate from June through to the end of October, as it’s hurricane season, and the sea conditions are normally rough.

Where is Dominica?

What To Expect

We board the boat at 7:30am each sea day, and return by 2pm, depending on what interactions we are or not having for the day.

Once we are out at sea, we will move 2-3 miles off shore, and use our hydrophone to listen for sperm whale clicks. If we can hear clicking on the hydrophone, we will 95% of the time find the Sperm Whales.

Like most animals, sometimes the whales want to play, and sometimes they do not. They all have their own moods.

Once we have spotted a group or single sperm whale, guests will slip into the water, and move slowly towards the whales.

Time in the water with the whales can be anywhere from 15 seconds, to 15 minutes, or sometimes over 1 hour!

Out of six days we generally have one or two without a Sperm Whale sighting. If killer whales or pilot whales come into the area, we can expect to not see any sperm whales for 3-4 days.

It’s important to know that once the sperm whale dives down to feed, we set our timer to 45 minutes. Almost perfectly at the 45 minute mark, we can expect to see the whales up in a near proximity.

The interactions can take place up to ten miles out to sea, which could be calm or could have some swell. You should be prepared to spend plenty of time on the boat waiting for encounters and looking out, and should also be prepared to do some swimming to approach and follow the whales.

Overview of Sperm Whales in Dominica

When it comes to sperm whales of Dominica, this Caribbean island nation offers a unique opportunity for snorkelers and marine enthusiasts alike. Boasting one of the highest concentrations of these magnificent creatures worldwide, Dominica provides an unparalleled experience for those seeking to observe and study Physeter macrocephalus in their natural habitat.

Dominica is known for its stunningly beautiful and vibrant coral reefs, but what many don’t know is that the island also has a thriving population of sperm whales. For centuries, these majestic creatures have been spotted off the coast of Dominica in various sizes and numbers. 

The initial spotting of a sperm whale in Dominica is credited to Jacques Cartier, who noticed the creature during his 1535 exploration mission to the Americas. Sightings of sperm whales in Dominica have been reported regularly since Cartier’s 1535 voyage, and whaling expeditions during the 19th century also encountered them occasionally. However, it wasn’t until recently that researchers began to study their behavior more closely.

Recent studies suggest that a healthy presence of around 200-300 sperm whales can be observed in the waters off Dominica, with pods ranging from 5-20 animals surfacing near shorelines or on deep sea dives by divers. Conservationists have been working tirelessly to protect these gentle giants from threats such as climate change and human activities like land pollution and offshore drilling operations taking place nearby. Therefore, it is heartening news for all involved that this population remains robust despite its relatively small size compared to other areas where larger populations exist.

The conservation efforts in Dominica have been successful in preserving the sperm whale population and ensuring their continued survival. Examining the anatomy and habits of these impressive animals will give us a more comprehensive understanding of them.

Anatomy and Behavior of Sperm Whales

Sperm whales, the largest of all toothed cetaceans, can grow up to 18 meters in length and have a bulbous forehead known as the “spermaceti organ”. They have a distinctive bulbous forehead, known as the “spermaceti organ”, which is filled with a wax-like substance used for echolocation. The sperm whale has long flippers that help it maneuver in deep waters, and its tail fin is large and curved.

The diet of sperm whales consists mainly of squid but they also feed on fish, octopus, shrimp and crab. Sperm whales migrate seasonally from colder polar waters to warmer equatorial regions in search of food sources such as squid spawning grounds or schools of fish. In fact male sperm whales migrate to Dominica in the months of December through to April, specifically to mate with the local females. 

Sperm whales live in social groups called pods, which typically consist of around 15 individuals but can be much larger during migrations or when feeding near rich food sources like squid spawning grounds. Communication within these pods is complex and involves clicks, whistles and other sounds produced by their larynx located inside their head cavity; these vocalizations serve many purposes including navigation, finding prey and communication between members of the pod.

The anatomy and behavior of sperm whales are fascinating, with their physical characteristics, feeding habits and migration patterns as well as social structure and communication being truly remarkable. Moving on to diving with sperm whales in Dominica, let’s explore the regulations and safety guidelines for viewing these majestic creatures ethically.

swimming with Sperm Whales in Dominica

Swimming with sperm whales in Dominica requires a few precautions and guidelines to ensure the safety of both divers and the animals. Regulations vary depending on the area, but generally include restrictions on group size, noise levels, and proximity to the animals. It is essential for snorkelers to be cognizant of the rules. A whale swim permit must be acquired from the government, before guests may swim with the whales. 


Your Tour Organizer: Nadia Aly

Our tours are managed by Nadia Aly, who is an award winning underwater photographer who leads numerous expeditions around the world throughout the year.